Famous Singers Join Chorus of Calls for Gun Control After Gov. Lee Caves on Red Flag Laws

Two notable recording artists have joined a chorus of calls for Tennessee to implement stricter gun control measures.

“We’re Nashvillians. We’re also moms,” Sheryl Crow told News Channel 5. “And I think what happened at Covenant has touched everyone, including Gov. Lee on a very deep and personal level. We just want to see something that we can all agree on.”

Singer Amy Grant also wants to have a conversation about gun control.

“We see the power of finding common-ground conversation,” she said. “Everyone is fatigued from the trauma, and I think that creates a table to which everyone is willing to come forward and sit around and say this is complicated. Everybody wants change.”

Crow and Grant are reportedly part of a new coalition called “Voices for a Safer Tennessee.”

“Voices for a Safer Tennessee is a nonpartisan statewide coalition dedicated to prioritizing gun safety and advocating for common sense gun laws to make communities across Tennessee safer for all of us,” according to that organization’s website. “If you believe our children deserve a safer Tennessee, then we are on the same side.”

Crow and Grant spoke out while four Tennessee mayors penned a letter to Gov. Bill Lee (R), demanding stricter gun control laws.

Mayors Jim Cooper (D) of Nashville, Lee Harris (D) of Shelby County, Tim Kelly (D) of Chattanooga, and Indya Kincannon (D) of Knoxville all co-signed the letter.

Of the many demands in the letter, the mayors notably called for “Red Flag” laws, a subject on which Lee has recently shown weakness.

The letter said:

  • Implement Extreme Risk Protection Orders.
    • Known as a “red flag” law, an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) empowers law enforcement and family members to intervene and temporarily prevent those at extreme risk of harming themselves or others from possessing guns.
    • Law enforcement and immediate family members could petition a civil court for an ERPO to temporarily remove guns from the possession of those at serious risk of harming themselves or others. If a judge finds that there is sufficient evidence, that person is temporarily prohibited from purchasing and possessing guns. The guns they already own will also be held by law enforcement for the duration of the ERPO.
    • Once the immediate threat of harm to an individual or others is removed, individuals can petition to have the ERPO removed to ensure proper due process.
    • Tennessee should allow law enforcement to petition a civil court for an ERPO. Petitioners could also include immediate family members and medical professionals. 20 states have already implemented ERPOs.
    • A recent poll showed that 71% of Tennesseans support adopting red flag laws.

Lee called for “Red Flag” laws on April 11, bending to the pressure from liberal activists, including Democrat state representatives who have led riots and protests at the Tennessee State Capitol.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Sheryl Crow” by Sheryl Crow. Photo “Amy Grant” by Amy Grant.






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22 Thoughts to “Famous Singers Join Chorus of Calls for Gun Control After Gov. Lee Caves on Red Flag Laws”

  1. Justin Observer

    Karen Bracken- you are spot on with both of your posts on April 20..

  2. Lisa

    I agree on all the comments SO FAR. Governor Lee caving is pathetic! These two twits live behind walls and armed guards AND Cheryl Crow moved to Tennessee from California. She is such a useful idiot. I am so sick of this crap. Now the Tennessee 3, who DO NOT represent the majority of this state are being invited to the White House. Check out their Twitter feed. I know Gloria Johnson, embarrassingly represents my district in Knoxville. We are STUCK with her sorry tail because the city of Knoxville has gone Democrat. I went on her Twitter feed recently and she is speaking to the out of state transplants to turn this state blue. Republicans can NOT get their crap together. We have people like Governor Lee who caves on these issues. I am so sick of mamby pamby Republicans who can’t separate from the big dollars of corporations that put the Everyday Joe into extinction. THIS is why Trump won and I will support him to the end.

  3. Ron W

    Very true, Karen! And they usually have armed security which they do NOT want for children and young people in schools!!! Why Is that???

  4. Ron W

    But NONE of them are calling for the murderer’s manifesto which should provide pertinent information for their Red Flag laws? What about “the people’s right to know”? Isn’t that the basis of democracy? But NO! They want to attack the rights of those of us who weren’t responsible.

  5. Second Amendment Voter

    I don’t give a hoot what Cheryl Crow or Amy Grant say about anything. Liberals like them are chipping away at our Freedoms. Did they get asked if they have weapons in their homes? You know damn well they do. My guess is someone with influence ( Bill Lee) asked them to go public with this BS. Lee can’t run for reelection again, but our State Legislators can run for reelection. So I believe I would vote the Constituents Will.
    Old has been entertainers don’t have the intelligence to understand the 2nd Amendment.

  6. Dr Ken

    I am surprised Amy Grant inserted herself into the discussion, she always presents to me as one dedicated to music, not politics. I guess I am both surprised and disappointed. Sheryl Crow, on the other hand, seems to “follow the wind” and go with what is hot. Both are entitled to their opinions but frankly their opinions hold no sway with me. For those who think back ground checks will eliminate the problem they are terribly mistaken or ill informed. It is silly to think those who break the law in shooting others will somehow follow these proposed laws. They don’t follow laws, they will secure weapons illegally. There are better ways to handle the problem. The schools can be made more secure, armed resource officers are vital and those officers need to report to law enforcement for supervision, not a school administrator. Single point entries, bullet proof glass are effective deterrents. Parents too, need to be part of the solution. They hold significant culpability and must be held equally accountable for their child’s conduct. Finally, simply throwing “mental health services” into the school is not an answer. The key to involving the child is involving the parent.

  7. Shut up and sing. Don’t need a lecture from the know-nothing crowd. Better to spend your time getting the mentally ill off the street.
